4 – The Why

Have you ever had the opportunity to tour an old home? Upon entry, if you look and listen, the walls speak to you of a bygone era. From black and white pictures of families prior to framed local events, it is American History alive and well. Moments frozen in time…

My parents gave so much to myself and my siblings. Always a Birthday, always a Christmas, and every home nice with 95% of them having pools. We never knew a “need”, we were never hungry, and we always had each other. Looking back, I am truly amazed how they did so much for so many with so little. Stretching my memory, I can see more clearly now. 

Mom was a coupon queen; always looking for the specials. K-mart’s infamous “blue light” often put our shopping cart to Mach 1 extremes. 

Fish on Friday was a given, and Saturday night Dad always grilled burgers -food always in the fridge, with ice cream in the freezer; maybe a family dinner out at “Western Sizzler” Restaurant once a month.  

School days, my parents always had us dressed in the best of the best, even though Mom would hit as many garage sales as she could to find secondhand clothes for herself and a nice used business suit or tie for my father. 

She would seldom spend money on herself with a few exceptions: Wounded Warriors / Veteran donations, Catholic Nuns, or a pet charity – she always tried to help. 

On few occasions, Mom would purchase an old “ready for the fire” antique for $5 or $10 with hopes of bringing it back to life. Some of the projects remain half complete or untouched. Others have been pristinely restored as if purchased new and still stand proudly in their home to this day. 

Dad tried to “spoil” Mom on countless occasions, from purchasing a new convertible to buying her jewelry and fur coats. Every single time, she demanded that they be returned…and all were.

Each one of us had a reliable used car by sixteen. They covered our college tuitions as well – all on well under my father’s $100k per year income at the time.

My goal has always been to have the home where I was raised be restored and stand as a testament to the blood, sweat, and tears of incredible parents – even more so now that they both have passed. 

Have the walls and land speak to others regarding my family as others have their own. Do all I can to ensure that the sands of time don’t forget. This goal is no easy task on its’ own, and even more so when considering corrupt, hypocritical, law-breaking entities who covet power beyond words while killing innocents’ assets and futures. Two governmental institutions that view themselves as kings and citizens as pawns; believing they answer to no one. Attacking an innocent family’s way of life legally held for almost half a century is the epitome of evil and self-righteousness.