9 – An Angel Arrives

Going back to Stable Days Farm soon after Mom passed was incredibly difficult. The dogs were searching constantly for her as Liberty continued to call out. Expecting to hear a “Welcome home Sweetheart!” as I entered, the only return was cold silence. So tough to endure. So tough to remember. So tough to write.

One of those recent days, I arrived to a hand written envelope addressed in blue marker with a rainbow of hearts along the top left corner near the returned address area. It was taped to the gate at the property entrance; addressed to “Horse Owner / Bethany Road.” The enclosed note read as follows:

Hello my name is (name withheld). I am 11 years old. I live right around the corner from you in (neighborhood withheld). And I own and ride horses. The reason I am contacting you is because I loved seeing your mother out in the pasture on her John Deere Gator with her two horses. My Mom told me that you’r mother has passed away, and me and my friend (name withheld) would love to offer our free grooming services. We have a ton of grooming supplies and would love to help. If you decide that it would be OK if we come over and groom the horses for you I would love it if you could email me at (address withheld) or call my mom at ###. Thank you so much for you’r time here are some treats for the horses! “ The note closed with three smiley faces. 

Re-reading this note within minutes countless times, I cried more and more and more with each repeat. 

It is amazing to me with all the pleas for help from adults given authority denied, an angel arrives to offer innocent respite. I will not share her name. What you do need to know is that precious spirits still exist and some come in the form of a wonderful young lady. How I wish my mother could have met her. Then again, was it Mom who sent her to tell me she was going to be ok? Is she happy now that she is with my three brothers and Dad? The mind and our eternal unanswered questions. 

However long I live, I will never forget such kindness.