A few more tidbits to share before we close the book.
Information would be forwarded to me regarding a Milton Trails Proposal. The sender knew that it would be of interest due to the location of my parent’s property. Evidently, some individuals wanted to connect a recently purchased eight-acre parcel on Mayfield Road, which was reserved for a park, with The LIE via a trail. This proposed path, by the way, not only cut right through the parcel behind ours, but also ventured right through our property as well dividing our smaller pasture to the left in half.
There were no phone calls regarding this proposal. There were no letters or emails requesting. Nothing to either landowner. These people chose to assume that others property was theirs do with as they pleased without discussion. When confronted and after countless ignored emails, “City” Manager Krokoff apologized referring to the proposal as “aspirational.” It is never good when your hand is caught in the cookie jar. Play in your own sand box – stay out of ours.
The “City” was called out on this in September of 2020. As of April 2022, it is still listed in their trail presentation. “Aspirational” to be sure.
No one likes a sneak or a thief. Regarding horses, the “City” has stolen horse logos twice to help promote their façade.
First, their sticky fingers took claim to a community site’s simply drawn horse logo created prior to incorporation. Such was proven via internet archives. Busted, the powers at be would supposedly create a “new” logo without admitting guilt prior. Well, turns out that logo was also take via stealth. Montucky Cold Snacks, are you listening?
Land ownership is a wonderful right that so few countries have. A precious asset, many work hard to obtain, maintain, and keep such. Again, those given power at the “City” of Milton allow arrogance and hypocrisy to cloud this fact.
Without consulting any landowners, the “City” council would unanimously pass a land theft ordinance titled “The Rural Viewshed.” Such states that any properties located within “city” limits and zoned agriculture cannot disturb land 60 feet in from the private property line along respective roads. Thus, private property owners cannot build anything in this area. Should they choose to sell their land to a developer, they too are blocked from the same. Funny – Mom and Dad never agreed to purchase into an H.O.A.
Sharpening the pencil; lets apply some numbers. My parent’s property has 700 feet of road frontage. 700 feet x 60 feet = 42,000 square feet. An acre is 43,560. Therefore, this illegal land grab makes almost one acre of our property worthless while substantially limiting future options. Also, a simple one-acre lot zoned the same here can fetch anywhere from $120k to $200k depending. Dad always loved math; “it never lies” he would tell me. When government “takes” land from residents for “public good”, those affected must be compensated for it. To date, no one has been compensated for this illegal land grab with hundreds being affected and stolen from.
Getting back to #2 Mayor Peyton Jameson…I work in the Dementia and Alzheimer’s care industry and such employment has pulled me to various states and away from my parent’s home.
However, I am still very much engaged in the goings on and how decisions can impact their home while hiring many to look after it. I have emailed Peyton many times with various questions. He knows I am currently out of state for long periods. In every instance, he refuses to answer any question with substance and instead replies that I should meet him at “City” hall to discuss further. Hopefully, that gives you some idea of Mayor #2. Peyton has also stated that his “City” has violated no laws. Peyton needs to take a few classes…